2 minute read

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. - Mahatma Gandhi

Mastering Regex in Azure WAF: Unlocking the Power of Custom Rules

Introduction: The Regex Awakening

Let’s be real—writing regular expressions can feel like casting dark magic. You stare at cryptic symbols, hoping your spell (uh, regex) works without turning your WAF policy into an instant “Block Everything” mode. 🛑

But fear not! Today, we’re diving deep into Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) custom rules with regex to unlock their full potential.

By the end of this guide, you’ll not only master regex for Azure WAF, but also feel confident enough to bookmark this page because—trust me—you’ll want to come back to it! 😉

The Challenge: URLs, Query Parameters & The WAF Blocker Beast

Imagine you have a WAF rule that allows traffic only if the Referer header matches a specific pattern.

Firslty here is what look like in Azure WAF config page


You want to allow requests coming from:

  • https://myapp.example.com/dashboard
  • https://myapp.example.com/app
  • Any subdirectories under those paths, such as:
    • https://myapp.example.com/dashboard/admin
    • https://myapp.example.com/app/home
    • https://myapp.example.com/dashboard/reports/custom

Sounds simple, right? But there’s a catch: some URLs have query parameters (? and =).

For example:

Valid request:


🚨 Old regex fails for this!

The Broken Regex (And Why It Fails)

Initially, you might write something like this:


Looks good, right? Wrong. 😬 This regex works only for URLs without query parameters.


  • The regex stops matching after the last /.
  • It does not account for ?, = and everything after.

For example:

URL Matches?
https://myapp.example.com/app/home ✅ Yes
https://myapp.example.com/app/home?user=admin ❌ No
https://myapp.example.com/dashboard/reports?sort=asc&page=2 ❌ No

The Fix: A Regex That Handles Everything!

To support query parameters, we modify the regex:


New Additions:

  • \?.* → This matches everything after the ?, including = and &.
  • (\?.*)? → The ? at the end makes the whole thing optional, so URLs without query parameters still match.

Now, it works for all cases! 🎉

URL Matches?
https://myapp.example.com/app/home ✅ Yes
https://myapp.example.com/app/home?user=admin ✅ Yes
https://myapp.example.com/dashboard/reports?sort=asc&page=2 ✅ Yes

Conclusion: Regex Superpowers Unlocked! 🦸‍♂️

With this regex, you can now confidently write Azure WAF custom rules that:

✅ Allow nested subfolders under specific paths. ✅ Support query parameters (?, =, &). ✅ Prevent unintentional blocks and late-night debugging nightmares. 😅

Now go forth, write regex like a pro, and share this guide with your fellow devs—they’ll thank you later! 🚀

Bonus Tip: Bookmark this page so you can flex your regex skills the next time someone struggles with WAF rules. 😉

Need more help? Drop a comment below and let’s decode regex together! 🧩
