Your past is a lesson. Not a life sentence. Forgive yourself and focus on the future. -Mel Robbins

Understanding Backpropagation in Neural Networks

One of the fundamental aspects of training a neural network revolves around the concept of backpropagation. An abbreviated form for “backward propagation of errors,” backpropagation is an algorithm that plays a crucial role in the field of machine learning. This method enables a network to learn from its mistakes by adjusting its internal parameters when an error occurs.

Let’s dive into the world of backpropagation and try to understand it better.

The Essence of Backpropagation

The backpropagation algorithm relies heavily on gradient descent and the chain rule, two important concepts from calculus. The method essentially comprises four steps:

1. Forward Pass

The input data is processed by the network to generate an output. This happens when the data passes through the layers of the network and the current weights and biases (which are initially set randomly) are applied in each neuron’s activation function.

2. Error Calculation

The output from the forward pass is compared with the expected output. The difference between the two is used to compute the error or cost. This error measure is problem-specific. For instance, mean squared error is commonly used for regression tasks and cross-entropy loss for classification tasks.

3. Backward Pass (Backpropagation)

Starting from the output layer, the error is propagated back through the network. This involves computing the derivative (or gradient) of the error with respect to each weight and bias in the network. This gradient tells us how much a small change in each parameter would change the error.

4. Update Weights and Biases

The weights and biases of the network are updated in a way that reduces the error. This is usually done using an optimization algorithm like stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which adjusts each parameter a small step in the direction that decreases the error.

Repetition Makes Perfect

These steps are repeated for many iterations (or “epochs”) until the network’s performance is satisfactory. The network essentially learns to approximate the function that maps the input data to the output data, with this process adjusting the weights and biases in a way that minimizes the difference between the network’s output and the actual output.

Wrapping Up

Backpropagation is an indispensable tool for training neural networks. Its ability to propagate errors backwards allows a network to learn effectively from its mistakes. As it stands, backpropagation forms the backbone of many advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

