3 minute read

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. - Booker T. Washington

zero lag notetaking

Personal Shorthand Symbols Guide

Legend of Symbols

Common Verbs

| Symbol | Meaning | Description | |——–|———|————-| | ↓ | get | Downward arrow representing acquisition | | ⚡ | learn | Lightning bolt symbolizing knowledge spark | | ✦ | create | Star-like symbol representing generation | | ✓? | test | Checkmark with question mark | | → | send | Simple directional arrow | | ✓+ | understand | Checkmark with plus indicating comprehension | | ✓- | forget | Checkmark with minus indicating forgetfulness | | ✓ | remember | Checkmark symbol | | => | because | Double arrow | | .. | repeat | Double dot | | . . | see below | | | . | because | Double dot pust one dot new line | |… | continue | Triple dot | | ↺ | repeat, each time | Circular arrow | | ◯→ | continue learning | Circle with arrow | | Δ Δ | meet | Double delta | | ∑ | All | Sum | | ∑◯ | servers, machines |(Aggregated information within a bounded system)| | ◎ | start | Circle with a dot | | ⊕ | people, whole team | Plus sign with circle | |∂ | partial, parts| Partial differential symbol | |~ | some, similar | Tilde symbol | | 🔎 | investigate | magnifying glass | | Primary Symbol: ∞+ | many, a lot| ∞ (Infinity Symbol): Represents vast, immeasurable quantity,(Plus Sign): Emphasizes abundance, additional volum|

Document and Information

| Symbol | Meaning | Description | |——–|———|————-| | □ | document | Square representing a page | | ▭ | file | Rectangular shape | | @ | email | Standard email symbol | | ↑□ | report | Upward arrow with square for formal documents | | ∑ | data | Summation symbol from mathematics |

Process and Action

| Symbol | Meaning | Description | |——–|———|————-| | ⇧ | improve | Upward arrow signifying enhancement | | ⇄ | change | Bidirectional arrow | | 🔍 | analyze | Magnifying glass | | ✓ | decide | Checkmark | | ➤ | plan | Forward-pointing triangle |

Time and Progress

| Symbol | Meaning | Description | |——–|———|————-| | ● | now | Solid dot | | ◯ | soon | Circle | | ➕ | later | Plus sign | | ⏰ | deadline | Clock symbol | | ‼ | urgent | Double exclamation |

Emotional/Qualitative Markers

| Symbol | Meaning | Description | |——–|———|————-| | * | important | Asterisk | | ∞ | complex | Infinity symbol | | ➖ | simple | Horizontal line | | ★ | great/excellent | Filled star | | △ | needs work | Triangle |

Tips for Using Personal Shorthand

  1. Develop Consistency: Create a personal key you can quickly reference
  2. Be Intuitive: Choose symbols that make sense to you
  3. Practice: Familiarity comes with repeated use
  4. Stay Flexible: Adapt your system as your needs change

Example Note

★ project: ✦ new platform
⏰ deadline: 30 days
∑ needed → ⚡ more
✓? initial prototype

How to Use This Guide

  • Print this document for reference
  • Keep a copy near your workspace
  • Practice using symbols in daily notes
  • Customize symbols to fit your personal style
  • Create your own additions as needed

Customization Notes

Feel free to modify these symbols or create your own variations. The key is developing a system that:

  • Speeds up your note-taking
  • Feels natural to use
  • Helps you capture information quickly
  • Start by using 3-5 symbols consistently
  • Gradually expand your personal symbol vocabulary
  • Review and refine your system monthly
