Java 8 Tips
This blog is listing key new features introduced in Java 8
It is best to think of a lambda expression as a function, not an object, and to accept that it can be converted to a functional interface.
Clean Code in Java 8
Here is the sample code in Java 8
calss DiscountService{
Integer discount =getDiscountPercentage(customer.getMemberCard());
New comparator method in Java 8
List<Track> tracks = asList(new Track("Bakai", 524),
new Track("Violets for Your Furs", 378),
new Track("Time Was", 451));
Track shortestTrack =
.min(Comparator.comparing(track -> track.getLength()))
assertEquals(tracks.get(1), shortestTrack);
When we think about maximum and minimum elements, the first thing we need to think about is the ordering that we’re going to be using. When it comes to finding the shortest track, the ordering is provided by the length of the ”
In order to inform the Stream that we’re using the length of the track, we give it a Comparator. Conveniently, Java 8 has added a static method called comparing that lets us build a comparator using keys. Previously, we always encountered an ugly pattern in which we had to write code that got a field out of both the objects being compared, then compare these field values. Now, to get the same element out of both elements being compared, we just provide a getter function for the value. In this case we’ll use length, which is a getter function in disguise. It’s worth reflecting on the comparing method for a moment. This is actually a function that takes a function and returns a function. Pretty meta, I know, but also incredibly useful. At any point in the past, this method could have been added to the Java standard library, but the poor readability and verbosity issues surrounding anonymous inner classes would have made it impractical. Now, with lambda expressions, it’s convenient and concise. ” But thinking of passing code to methods as a mere consequence of Streamsdownplays its range of uses within Java 8. It gives you a new concise way to express behavior parameterization.
It might sound surprising, but interfaces in Java 8 can now declare methods with implementation code; this can happen in two ways. First, Java 8 allows static methods inside interfaces. Second, Java 8 introduces a new feature called default methods that allows you to provide a default implementation for methods in an interface. In other words, interfaces can provide concrete implementation for methods. As a result, existing classes implementing an interface will automatically inherit the default implementations if they don’t provide one explicitly. This allows you to evolve interfaces nonintrusively. You’ve been using several default methods all along. Two examples you’ve seen are sort in the List interface and stream in the Collection interface. Wow! Are interfaces like abstract classes now? Yes and no; there are fundamental differences, which we explain in this chapter. But more important, why should you care about default methods? The main users of default methods are library designers. As we explain later, default methods were introduced to evolve libraries such as the Java API in a compatible way,
Now that static methods can exist inside interfaces, such utility classes in your code can go away and their static methods can be moved inside an interface. These companion classes will remain in the Java API in order to preserve backward compatibility. Adding a new method to an interface is binary compatible; this means existing class file implementations will still run without the implementation of the new method, if there’s no attempt to recompile them. In this case the game will still run (unless it’s recompiled) despite adding the method setRelativeSize to the Resizable interface
Abstract classes vs. interfaces in Java 8
So what’s the difference between an abstract class and an interface? They both can contain abstract methods and methods with a body.
First, a class can extend only from one abstract class, but a class can implement multiple interfaces.
Second, an abstract class can enforce a common state through instance variables (fields). An interface can’t have instance variables.
Keeping interfaces minimal and orthogonal lets you achieve great reuse and composition of behavior inside your codebase.
Minimal interfaces with orthogonal functionalities Inheritance considered harmful Inheritance shouldn’t be your answer to everything when it comes down to reusing code. For example, inheriting from a class that has 100 methods and fields just to reuse one method is a bad idea, because it adds unnecessary complexity. You’d be better off using delegation: create a method that calls directly the method of the class you need via a member variable. This is why you’ll sometime find classes that are declared “final” intentionally: they can’t be inherited from to prevent this kind of antipattern or have their core behavior messed with. Note that sometimes final classes have a place; for example, String is final because we don’t want anybody to be able to interfere with such core functionality.
Three resolution rules to know
There are three rules to follow when a class inherits a method with the same signature from multiple places (such as another class or interface):
Classes always win. A method declaration in the class or a superclass takes priority over any default method declaration.
Otherwise, sub-interfaces win: the method with the same signature in the most specific default-providing interface is selected. (If B extends A, B is more specific than A).
Finally, if the choice is still ambiguous, the class inheriting from multiple interfaces has to explicitly select which default method implementation to use by overriding it and calling the desired method explicitly.
These are the only rules you need to know!
Lambda Interfaces
This conversion to interfaces is what makes lambda expressions so compelling. The syntax is short and simple.
BiFunction<String, String, Integer> comp
= (first, second) ->, second.length());
The expression System.out::printlnis a method reference that is equivalent to the lambda expression x -> System.out.println(x).
There are three principal cases:
- object::instanceMethod
- Class::staticMethod
- Class::instanceMethod
In the third case, the first parameter becomes the target of the method. For example, String::compareToIgnoreCaseis the same as (x, y) -> x.compareToIgnoreCase(y).
Just like lambda expressions, method references don’t live in isolation. They are always turned into instances of functional interfaces.
Constructor References
Constructor references are just like method references, except that the name of the method is new
å. For example, Button::new is a reference to a Button constructor. Which constructor? It depends on the context.
List<String> labels = ...;
Stream<Button> stream =;
List<Button> buttons = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
For example, suppose we want to have an array of buttons. The Stream interface has a toArraymethod that returns an Object array:
Object[] buttons = stream.toArray();
we need to refine our understanding of a lambda expression. A lambda expression has three ingredients:
- A block of code
- Parameters
- Values for the free variables, that is, the variables that are not parameters and not defined inside the code
The technical term for a block of code together with the values of the free variables is a closure. If someone gloats that their language has closures, rest assured that Java has them as well. In Java, lambda expressions are closures. In fact, inner classes have been closures all along. Java 8 gives us closures with an attractive syntax.
Inner classes can also capture values from an enclosing scope. Before Java 8, inner classes were only allowed to access finallocal variables. This rule has now been relaxed to match that for lambda expressions. An inner class can access any effectively final local variable—that is, any variable whose value does not change.
When you use the this keyword in a lambda expression, you refer to the this parameter of the method that creates the lambda. For example, consider
public class Application {
public void doWork() {
Runnable runner = () -> { ...; System.out.println(this.toString()); ... };
The expression this.toString()calls the toString method of the Application object, not the Runnable instance. There is nothing special about the use of this in a lambda expression. The scope of the lambda expression is nested inside the doWork method, and this has the same meaning anywhere in that method.
default methods
The Java designers decided to solve this problem once and for all by allowing interface methods with concrete implementations (called default methods). Those methods can be safely added to existing interfaces.
interface Person {
long getId();
default String getName() { return "John Q. Public"; }
The interface has two methods: getId, which is an abstract method, and the default method getName. A concrete class that implements the Person interface must, of course, provide an implementation of getId, but it can choose to keep the implementation of getName or to override it.
Default methods put an end to the classic pattern of providing an interface and an abstract class that implements most or all of its methods, such as Collection/AbstractCollectionor/WindowListener/WindowAdapter. Now you can just implement the methods in the interface.
To compare Person objects by name, use Comparator.comparing(Person::getName).
we have compared strings by length with the lambda expression
(first, second) ->, second.length()).
But with the static compare method, we can do much better and simply use
In Java 8, static methods have been added to quite a few interfaces. For example, the Comparator interface has a very useful static comparing method that accepts a “key extraction” function and yields a comparator that compares the extracted keys.
Stream vs collections
A stream seems superficially similar to a collection, allowing you to transform and retrieve data. But there are significant differences:
- A stream does not store its elements. They may be stored in an underlying collection or generated on demand.
- Stream operations don’t mutate their source. Instead, they return new streams that hold the result.
- Stream operations are lazy when possible. This means they are not executed until their result is needed. For example, if you only ask for the first five long words instead of counting them all, then the filter method will stop filtering after the fifth match. As a consequence, you can even have infinite streams!
Streams follow the “what, not how” principle
. In our stream example, we describe what needs to be done: get the long words and count them. We don’t specify in which order, or in which thread, this should happen.
Work with streams
When you work with streams, you set up a pipeline of operations in three stages.
- You create a stream.
- You specify intermediate operations for transforming the initial stream into others, in one or more steps.
- You apply a terminal operation to produce a result. This operation forces the execution of the lazy operations that precede it. Afterwards, the stream can no longer be used.
long count = words.parallelStream().filter(w -> w.length() > 12).count();
Stream operations are not executed on the elements in the order in which they are invoked on the streams. In our example, nothing happens until count is called. When the count method asks for the first element, then the filter method starts requesting elements, until it finds one that has length > 12.
To produce infinite sequences such as 0 1 2 3 …, use the iterate method instead. It takes a “seed” value and a function (technically, a UnaryOperator
Stream<BigInteger> integers
= Stream.iterate(BigInteger.ZERO, n -> n.add(BigInteger.ONE));
The first element in the sequence is the seed
You can use the following statement to split a string into words:
Stream<String> words
= Pattern.compile("[\\P{L}]+").splitAsStream(contents);
The static Files.linesmethod returns a Stream of all lines in a file.
The Stream interface has AutoCloseableas a superinterface. When the close method is called on the stream, the underlying file is also closed.
To make sure that this happens, it is best to use the Java 7 try-with-resources statement:
try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(path)) {
Do something with lines
The stream, and the underlying file with it, will be closed when the try block exits normally or through an exception.
The filter, map, and flatMapMethods A stream transformation reads data from a stream and puts the transformed data into another stream. You have already seen the filter transformation that yields a new stream with all elements that match a certain condition.
2.3. The filter, map, and flatMap Methods A stream transformation reads data from a stream and puts the transformed data into another stream. You have already seen the filtertransformation that yields a new stream with all elements that match a certain condition. Here, we transform a stream of strings into another stream containing only long words:
List<String> wordList = ...;
Stream<String> words =;
Stream<String> longWords = words.filter(w -> w.length() > 12);
The argument of filter is a Predicate
Often, you want to transform the values in a stream in some way. Use the map method and pass the function that carries out the transformation. For example, you can transform all words to lowercase like this:
Stream<String> lowercaseWords =;
Here, we used mapwith a method reference. Often, you will use a lambda expression instead:
Stream<Character> firstChars = -> s.charAt(0));
The resulting stream contains the first character of each word.
When you use map, a function is applied to each element, and the return values are collected in a new stream. Now suppose that you have a function that returns not just one value but a stream of values, such as this one:
public static Stream<Character> characterStream(String s) {
List<Character> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) result.add(c);
For example, characterStream(“boat”)is the stream [‘b’, ‘o’, ‘a’, ‘t’]. Suppose you map this method on a stream of strings:
Stream<Stream<Character>> result = -> characterStream(w));
You will get a stream of streams, like [… [‘y’, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘r’], [‘b’, ‘o’, ‘a’, ‘t’], …] To flatten it out to a stream of characters [… ‘y’, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘r’, ‘b’, ‘o’, ‘a’, ‘t’, …], use the flatMapmethod instead of map:
Stream<Character> letters = words.flatMap(w -> characterStream(w))
// CallscharacterStream on each word and flattens the results
You may find a flatMap method in classes other than streams. It is a general concept in computer science. Suppose you have a generic type G (such as Stream) and functions ffrom some type T to Gand g from U to G
This method is particularly useful for cutting infinite streams down to size. For example,
Stream<Double> randoms = Stream.generate(Math::random).limit(100);
yields a stream with 100 random numbers.
The peek method yields another stream with the same elements as the original, but a function is invoked every time an element is retrieved. That is handy for debugging:
Object[] powers = Stream.iterate(1.0, p -> p * 2)
.peek(e -> System.out.println("Fetching " + e))
When an element is actually accessed, a message is printed. This way you can verify that the infinite stream returned by iterate is processed lazily.
The stream transformations of the preceding sections were stateless. When an element is retrieved from a filtered or mapped stream, the answer does not depend on the previous elements. There are also a few stateful transformations. For example, the distinct method returns a stream that yields elements from the original stream, in the same order, except that duplicates are suppressed.
The stream must obviously remember the elements that it has already seen.
Stream<String> uniqueWords
= Stream.of("merrily", "merrily", "merrily", "gently").distinct();
// Only one"merrily" is retained
The sorted method must see the entire stream and sort it before it can give out any elements—after all, the smallest one might be the last one. Clearly, you can’t sort an infinite stream.
There are several sorted methods. One works for streams of Comparableelements, and another accepts a Comparator. Here, we sort strings so that the longest ones come first:
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The Collections.sortmethod sorts a collection in place, whereas Stream.sortedreturns a new sorted stream.
The methods that we cover in this section are called reductions. They reduce the stream to a value that can be used in your program. Reductions are terminal operations. After a terminal operation has been applied, the stream ceases to be usable.
In Java 8, the Optional type is the preferred way of indicating a missing return value. We discuss the Optional type in detail in the next section. Here is how you can get the maximum of a stream:
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reduce. Each segment needs to start out with its own empty hash set, and reduce only lets you supply one identity value. Instead, use collect. It takes three arguments:
A supplier to make new instances of the target object, for example, a constructor for a hash set
An accumulatorthat adds an element to the target, for example, an addmethod
A combiner that merges two objects into one, such as addAll
The target object need not be a collection. It could be a StringBuilderor an object that tracks a count and a sum.
Here is how the collect method works for a hash set:
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In practice, you don’t have to do that because there is a convenient Collector interface for these three functions, and a Collectors class with factory methods for common collectors. To collect a stream into a list or set, you can simply call
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If you want to control which kind of set you get, use the following call instead:
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Suppose you want to collect all strings in a stream by concatenating them. You can call
String result = stream.collect(Collectors.joining());
If you want a delimiter between elements, pass it to the joiningmethod:
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String result = stream.collect(Collectors.joining(“, “));
If your stream contains objects other than strings, you need to first convert them to strings, like this:
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String result =“, “));
If you want to reduce the stream results to a sum, average, maximum, or minimum, then use one of the methods summarizing(Int | Long | Double). These methods take a function that maps the stream objects to a number and yield a result of type (Int | Long | Double)SummaryStatistics, with methods for obtaining the sum, average, maximum, and minumum. |
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IntSummaryStatistics summary = words.collect( Collectors.summarizingInt(String::length)); double averageWordLength = summary.getAverage(); double maxWordLength = summary.getMax();
So far, you have seen how to reduce or collect stream values. But perhaps you just want to print them or put them in a database. Then you can use the forEachmethod:
The function that you pass is applied to each element. On a parallel stream, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the function can be executed concurrently. We discuss this in Section 2.13, “Parallel Streams,” on page 40.
On a parallel stream, the elements can be traversed in arbitrary order. If you want to execute them in stream order, call forEachOrderedinstead. Of course, you might then give up most or all of the benefits of parallelism.
The forEachand forEachOrderedmethods are terminal operations. You cannot use the stream again after calling them. If you want to continue using the stream, use peekinstead—see
In the common case that the values should be the actual elements, use Function.identity()for the second function.
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Map<Integer, Person> idToPerson = people.collect( Collectors.toMap(Person::getId, Function.identity())); If there is more than one element with the same key, the collector will throw an IllegalStateException. You can override that behavior by supplying a third function argument that determines the value for the key, given the existing and the new value. Your function could return the existing value, the new value, or a combination of them.
Here, we construct a map that contains, for each language in the available locales, as key its name in your default locale (such as “German”), and as value its localized name (such as “Deutsch”).
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However, suppose we want to know all languages in a given country. Then we need a Map<String, Set
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Map<String, Set
If you want a TreeMap, then you supply the constructor as the fourth argument. You must provide a merge function. Here is one of the examples from the beginning of the section, now yielding a TreeMap:
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Map<Integer, Person> idToPerson = people.collect( Collectors.toMap( Person::getId, Function.identity(), (existingValue, newValue) -> { throw new IllegalStateException(); }, TreeMap::new));
For example, if you want sets instead of lists, you can use the Collectors.toSetcollector that you saw in the preceding section:
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Map<String, Set
Several other collectors are provided for downstream processing of grouped elements:
• countingproduces a count of the collected elements. For example,
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Map<String, Long> countryToLocaleCounts = locales.collect( groupingBy(Locale::getCountry, counting())); counts how many locales there are for each country.
• summing(Int | Long | Double) takes a function argument, applies the function to the downstream elements, and produces their sum. For example, |
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Map<String, Integer> stateToCityPopulation = cities.collect( groupingBy(City::getState, summingInt(City::getPopulation))); computes the sum of populations per state in a stream of cities.
• maxBy and minBytake a comparator and produce maximum and minimum of the downstream elements. For example,
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Map<String, City> stateToLargestCity = cities.collect( groupingBy(City::getState, maxBy(Comparator.comparing(City::getPopulation)))); produces the largest city per state.
• mapping applies a function to downstream results, and it requires yet another collector for processing its results. For example,
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Map<String, Optional
The mappingmethod also yields a nicer solution to a problem from the preceding section, to gather a set of all languages in a country.
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Map<String, Set
• If the grouping or mapping function has return type int, long, or double, you can collect elements into a summary statistics object, as discussed in Section 2.9, “Collecting Results,” on page 33. For example,
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Map<String, IntSummaryStatistics> stateToCityPopulationSummary = cities.collect( groupingBy(City::getState, summarizingInt(City::getPopulation))); Then you can get the sum, count, average, minimum, and maximum of the function values from the summary statistics objects of each group.
• Finally, the reducingmethods apply a general reduction to downstream elements. There are three forms: reducing(binaryOperator), reducing(identity, binaryOperator), and reducing(identity, mapper, binaryOperator). In the first form, the identity is null. (Note that this is different from the forms of Stream::reduce, where the method without an identity parameter yields an Optional result.) In the third form, the mapperfunction is applied and its values are reduced.
Here is an example that gets a comma-separated string of all city names in each state. We map each city to its name and then concatenate them.
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Map<String, String> stateToCityNames = cities.collect( groupingBy(City::getState, reducing(“”, City::getName, (s, t) -> s.length() == 0 ? t : s + “, “ + t))); As with Stream.reduce, Collectors.reducingis rarely necessary. In this case, you can achieve the same result more naturally as
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Map<String, String> stateToCityNames = cities.collect( groupingBy(City::getState, mapping(City::getName, joining(“, “)))); Frankly, the downstream collectors can yield very convoluted expressions. You should only use them in connection with groupingBy or partitioningBy to process the “downstream” map values. Otherwise, simply apply methods such as map, reduce, count, max, or mindirectly on streams.
2.12. Primitive Type Streams
So far, we have collected integers in a Stream
To create an IntStream, you can call the IntStream.of and Arrays.streammethods:
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IntStream stream = IntStream.of(1, 1, 2, 3, 5); stream =, from, to); // values is an int[] array As with object streams, you can also use the static generate and iterate methods. In addition, IntStreamand LongStreamhave static methods range and rangeClosed that generate integer ranges with step size one:
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IntStream zeroToNinetyNine = IntStream.range(0, 100); // Upper bound is excluded IntStream zeroToHundred = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 100); // Upper bound is included The CharSequenceinterface has methods codePoints and chars that yield an IntStream of the Unicode codes of the characters or of the code units in the UTF-16 encoding. (If you don’t know what code units are, you probably shouldn’t use the chars method. Read up on the sordid details in Core Java, 9th Edition, Volume 1, Section 3.3.3.)
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String sentence = “\uD835\uDD46 is the set of octonions.”; // \uD835\uDD46 is the UTF-16 encoding of the letter
, unicode U+1D546
IntStream codes = sentence.codePoints(); // The stream with hex values 1D546 20 69 73 20 … When you have a stream of objects, you can transform it to a primitive type stream with the mapToInt, mapToLong, or mapToDoublemethods. For example, if you have a stream of strings and want to process their lengths as integers, you might as well do it in an IntStream:
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Generally, the methods on primitive type streams are analogous to those on object streams. Here are the most notable differences:
• The toArraymethods return primitive type arrays.
• Methods that yield an optional result return an OptionalInt, OptionalLong, or OptionalDouble. These classes are analogous to the Optional class, but they have methods getAsInt, getAsLong, and getAsDoubleinstead of the getmethod.
• There are methods sum, average, max, and min that return the sum, average, maximum, and minimum. These methods are not defined for object streams.
• The summaryStatisticsmethod yields an object of type IntSummaryStatistics, LongSummaryStatistics, or DoubleSummaryStatisticsthat can simultaneously report the sum, average, maximum, and minimum of the stream.
The Randomclass has methods ints, longs, and doubles that return primitive type streams of random numbers.
2.13. Parallel Streams Streams make it easy to parallelize bulk operations. The process is mostly automatic, but you need to follow a few rules. First of all, you must have a parallel stream. By default, stream operations create sequential streams, except for Collection.parallelStream(). The parallelmethod converts any sequential stream into a parallel one. For example:
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As long as the stream is in parallel mode when the terminal method executes, all lazy intermediate stream operations will be parallelized.
When stream operations run in parallel, the intent is that the same result is returned as if they had run serially. It is important that the operations are stateless and can be executed in an arbitrary order.
Here is an example of something you cannot do. Suppose you want to count all short words in a stream of strings:
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int[] shortWords = new int[12]; words.parallel().forEach( s -> { if (s.length() < 12) shortWords[s.length()]++; }); // Error—race condition! System.out.println(Arrays.toString(shortWords)); This is very, very bad code. The function passed to forEachruns concurrently in multiple threads, updating a shared array. That’s a classic race condition. If you run this program multiple times, you are quite likely to get a different sequence of counts in each run, each of them wrong.
It is your responsibility to ensure that any functions that you pass to parallel stream operations are threadsafe. In our example, you could use an array of AtomicIntegerobjects for the counters (see Exercise 12). Or you could simply use the facilities of the streams library and group strings by length (see Exercise 13).
By default, streams that arise from ordered collections (arrays and lists), from ranges, generators, and iterators, or from calling Stream.sorted, are ordered. Results are accumulated in the order of the original elements, and are entirely predictable. If you run the same operations twice, you will get exactly the same results.
Ordering does not preclude parallelization. For example, when computing, the stream can be partitioned into nsegments, each of which is concurrently processed. Then the results are reassembled in order.
Some operations can be more effectively parallelized when the ordering requirement is dropped. By calling the Stream.unorderedmethod, you indicate that you are not interested in ordering. One operation that can benefit from this is Stream.distinct. On an ordered stream, distinct retains the first of all equal elements. That impedes parallelization—the thread processing a segment can’t know which elements to discard until the preceding segment has been processed. If it is acceptable to retain any of the unique elements, all segments can be processed concurrently (using a shared set to track duplicates).
You can also speed up the limit method by dropping ordering. If you just want any nelements from a stream and you don’t care which ones you get, call
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As discussed in Section 2.10, “Collecting into Maps,” on page 34, merging maps is expensive. For that reason, the Collectors.groupingByConcurrentmethod uses a shared concurrent map. Clearly, to benefit from parallelism, the order of the map values will not be the same as the stream order. Even on an ordered stream, that collector has a “characteristic” of being unordered, so that it can be used efficiently without having to make the stream unordered. You still need to make the stream parallel, though:
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Map<String, List
It is very important that you don’t modify the collection that is backing a stream while carrying out a stream operation (even if the modification is threadsafe). Remember that streams don’t collect their own data—the data is always in a separate collection. If you were to modify that collection, the outcome of the stream operations would be undefined. The JDK documentation refers to this requirement as noninterference. It applies both to sequential and parallel streams.
To be exact, since intermediate stream operations are lazy, it is possible to mutate the collection up to the point when the terminal operation executes. For example, the following is correct:
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Write a parallel version of the forloop in Section 2.1, “From Iteration to Stream Operations,” on page 22. Obtain the number of processors. Make that many separate threads, each working on a segment of the list, and total up the results as they come in. (You don’t want the threads to update a single counter. Why?)
Verify that asking for the first five long words does not call the filter method once the fifth long word has been found. Simply log each method call.
Measure the difference when counting long words with a parallelStreaminstead of a stream. Call System.nanoTimebefore and after the call, and print the difference. Switch to a larger document (such as War and Peace) if you have a fast computer.
Suppose you have an array int[] values = { 1, 4, 9, 16 }. What is Stream.of(values)? How do you get a stream of intinstead?
Using Stream.iterate, make an infinite stream of random numbers—not by calling Math.random but by directly implementing a linear congruential generator. In such a generator, you start with x0 = seedand then produce xn + 1 = (a xn + c) %m, for appropriate values of a, c, and m. You should implement a method with parameters a, c, m, and seed that yields a Stream
. Try out a = 25214903917, c = 11, and m = 248. -
The characterStreammethod in Section 2.3, “The filter, map, and flatMapMethods,” on page 25, was a bit clumsy, first filling an array list and then turning it into a stream. Write a stream-based one-liner instead. One approach is to make a stream of integers from 0 to s.length() - 1and map that with the s::charAtmethod reference.
Your manager asks you to write a method public static
boolean isFinite(Stream stream). Why isn’t that such a good idea? Go ahead and write it anyway. -
Write a method public static
Stream zip(Stream first, Stream second) that alternates elements from the streams first and second, stopping when one of them runs out of elements. -
Join all elements in a Stream<ArrayList
>to one ArrayList . Show how to do this with the three forms of reduce. -
Write a call to reduce that can be used to compute the average of a Stream
. Why can’t you simply compute the sum and divide by count()? -
It should be possible to concurrently collect stream results in a single ArrayList, instead of merging multiple array lists, provided it has been constructed with the stream’s size, since concurrent setoperations at disjoint positions are threadsafe. How can you achieve that?
Count all short words in a parallel Stream
, as described in Section 2.13, “Parallel Streams,” on page 40, by updating an array of AtomicInteger. Use the atomic getAndIncrementmethod to safely increment each counter. -
Repeat the preceding exercise, but filter out the short strings and use the collectmethod with Collectors.groupingByand Collectors.counting.
A function type is alwayscontravariant in its arguments and covariant in its return value. For example, if you have a Function<Person, Employee>, you can safely pass it on to someone who needs a Function<Employee, Person>. They will only call it with employees, whereas your function can handle any person. They will expect the function to return a person, and you give them something even better.
For example, look at the javadoc for Stream
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void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action)
Awesome-awk-tools Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” - Leonardo da Vinci
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The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. — Helmut Schmidt
Avoiding Data Loss - S3 Lifecycle Rules During Terraform Version Migrations
Your past is a lesson. Not a life sentence. Forgive yourself and focus on the future. -Mel Robbins
The Great Migration – Moving Azure Web App and App Service Plan Across Subscriptions
A younger brother knows his older brother better than anyone else.
awesome mr W
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
Mastering Date Formatting in Bash: A Developer’s Guide
A younger brother knows his older brother better than anyone else.
Kubenetes Zero to Hero
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
Unraveling The Mystery Nested Sql Comments In Vscode
Unraveling the Mystery of Nested SQL Comments in VS Code Have you ever found yourself staring at a sea of incorrectly highlighted SQL code in Visual Studio C...
Flyway Self Healing
how to let your flyway database scheme migrate more robustly and self healing
Flyway Self Healing
how to let your flyway database scheme migrate more robustly and self healing
Lock Wait Timeout Exceptions and Data Persistence Issues in Spring Boot and Hibernate
If you can make your hobby your profession, you never have to work another day in your life. —Anonymous
Unlocking SQL Superpowers-> How CTEs Will Transform Your Database Queries
“Stress is like a pulse, if you have it you are alive.” — Steve Maraboli
Why Hibernate Still Logs SQL Even When Disabled in application.yaml
Good leadership consists of doing less and being more. —Dave Ramsey
The Curious Case of Azure Key Vault Defender Alerts - When Security Settings Play Hide and Seek
A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be. —Rosalynn Carter, forme...
Streamline Your Workflow by Fastest way to run Maven Builds with a Keyboard Shortcut in IntelliJ
A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be. —Rosalynn Carter, forme...
使用 c3p0 连接池解决 Spring Boot 中断的数据库连接问题(解决 Spring Boot 中断的数据库连接问题)
一旦你知道答案,一切都会变得简单。” —— 戴夫·梅吉(Dave Magee)
Resolving Disconnected Database Connections in Spring Boot with c3p0 Connection Pool
“Everything is easy, once you know the answer. —Dave Magee
IntelliJ sudden crashed of compile error MapStruct or Kotlin
Life begins at the edge of the comfort zone
Deep dive for word press preview nonce
One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try. —Sophocles
你不了解的word press 的 preview nonce
One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try. —Sophocles
Notes and pitfalls for redis development
A younger brother knows his older brother better than anyone else.
Awesome Jq For Coders
Mastering JSON Data Manipulation with jq: A Comprehensive Guide
Awesome Xlookup Over Vlookup
XLOOKUP vs. VLOOKUP: Excel’s Dynamic Duo for Data Lookup
Ports Discovery On Hosts
To find out the port numbers running in servers
Troubleshoot Mariadb In Linux
The simplest way to check an mariadb is runnning systemctl status mariadb
Az Cli
To run commands in VMs in Azure
From filter to CNN (Convolutional Network)
The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. Filters in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) In the context of convolutional neural net...
Unlocking Network Secrets A MacBook Traceroute Tutorial
A younger brother knows his older brother better than anyone else.
How to Test Logging Output in JUnit
A younger brother knows his older brother better than anyone else.
Cheap and flexible computing
whether it seems possible or not - go for it Cheaper X 2 to EC2, to use Fargate Spot With Fargate Spot you can run interruption tolerant Amazon ECS t...
How Guru to use Capturing Groups in Python Regular Expressions
A dream deferred is a dream denied. -Langston Hughes
Composition and Aggregation in Object-Oriented Modeling
“The past does not equal the future unless you live there.” - Tony Robbins
Exploring the useRequest
Hook from ahooks
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Alan Kay
Understanding Python’s Late Binding Behavior A Deep Dive
“Hang Out with People Who are Better than You.” — Warren Buffett
Understanding React export a Component
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare Understanding React export a Component In this blog post, we will dive into the code of the RepoU...
why use mid = (low + high) // 2 but not (high-low)//2
“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” - Will Rogers
Introduction to Generator Expressions in Python
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela
Introduction to Generator Expressions in Python
We never lose friends but just start to find real ones. - William Shakespeare
The Curious Case of ‘localhost’ vs ‘’ in MySQL Connections
Everybody may not to be famous but everybody can be great. “The Curious Case of ‘localhost’ vs ‘’ in MySQL Connections” Have you ever encoun...
Understanding Backpropagation in Neural Networks
Your past is a lesson. Not a life sentence. Forgive yourself and focus on the future. -Mel Robbins
Understanding Backpropagation in Neural Networks
Your past is a lesson. Not a life sentence. Forgive yourself and focus on the future. -Mel Robbins
Understanding Confusion Matrix in WEKA
Your past is a lesson. Not a life sentence. Forgive yourself and focus on the future. -Mel Robbins
Useful Shortcut Tips for MacBook Office Workers
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare
Understanding d-Separation in Graphical Models
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare
How To Split Sql Insert Statement
“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” - Will Rogers
“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” - Will Rogers
Adversarial Search: Unleashing The Power Of AI In Competitive Games
“What you seek is seeking you.” — Rumi
Weird Problem Changed Configurations In Pom Xml Not Work
“I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language.” — Kobe Bryant
AI Basics, Talk About Searches
“What you seek is seeking you.” — Rumi
Xpath Playground Best Practices
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare
UUID deep dive
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare
Compile Error Java Kotlin Coexist Project In Intellij
The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. — Helmut Schmidt
Who Is Running On Port 8080
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare
Let AI To Manage Stripe Payment
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare
RestTemplate Powered Http2
Why HTTP/2 is Better
Compile Error Java Kotlin Coexist Project In Intellij
How to Fine Tune RestTemplate
Compile Error Java Kotlin Coexist Project In Intellij
The root cause is your customized HttpMessageConverter stopped processing of WebSecurity
A young idler, an old beggar. - William Shakespeare
Summary As a Java developer, it’s important to know how to find out which port number your Spring service is running on. This information is useful when you ...
How To Install Sonarqube Via Docker
“Hang Out with People Who are Better than You.” — Warren Buffett
“Hang Out with People Who are Better than You.” — Warren Buffett
Failure of timeout or connection when running pip install
Elk Search Tips
message:/'Invoking SP with quoteContext*werqewr-1234asdf-sdf23-9d83-asdf23*'/
what is StrictHostKeyChecking in ssh
What’s and how to avoid error of the authenticity of host ‘xxx’ can’t be established You can suppress the “The authenticity of host ‘’ can’t be established” ...
know in and out of free command
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
Chinese Verb
知其雄,守其雌 什么意思
Deep dive for errors during Spring Boot Tests
Transaction silently rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only
Is Import Star Devil
Why using wildcard import is devil
How To Run Testing Multiple Threading
A sample to test concurrent JPA modifications
Stress Test Concurrency Jpa Entity Random Update
A runnable example in Java to create a cucumber test code files to simulate multiple read and write entity via JPA repository
How To Use Aop Test Utils.jpg
What’s purpose of AopTestUtils.getTargetObject()?
A Brief Introduction To Lookbehind And Lookahead In Regular Expressions
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs
Transaction Commit In Hibernate Jpa
Give me sample to test concurrent JPA modifications
Spring Boot Test In A Nutshell
what’s spring boot test annotation
How To Detach In Jpa
A real sample of using JPA detach
Feature Flag Spring Boot
summary Feature flag library in spring boot
What’s Difference Of Cny And Cnh
what’s difference of CNY and CNH CNY and CNH are both currencies used in China, but they are different in a few important ways:
Hibernate Transaction Management
Details of how hibernate transaction management works
Spring Cloud Masterpiece 10
In spring cloud what’s when to use feign client and when to sue resttemplate
Spring Cloud Master Piece 9
What’s spring cloud config Spring Cloud Config is a distributed configuration server that provides a centralized location to manage external properties for a...
Spring API Gateway Best Practices
Spring API Gateway Best Practices
Splitting A Monolithic Application Into Microservices
Splitting a monolithic application into microservices can be a complex process that requires careful planning and implementation. Here is a high-level approa...
Spring Cloud Master Piece 6
Sample me build a micro service payment system with spring cloud Here’s an example of building a microservice payment system using Spring Cloud:
Difference Between Using Ribbon And A Load Balancer
The main difference between using Ribbon and a Load Balancer is the location of the load balancing logic.
Spring Cloud Master Piece 5
How to add security among micro service in spring boot
Spring Cloud Master Piece 4
How to use service discovery in spring book
Spring Cloud Master Piece 3
Sample me how to build a eureka service discovery
Spring Cloud Master Piece 2
what’s usage of bootstrap yml In a Spring Boot application, the bootstrap.yml (or file is used for configuring the application’s enviro...
Spring Cloud Master Piece 1
what’s API gateway An API Gateway is a key component in microservices architecture that acts as a single entry point for client requests to a microservices-b...
Stop annoying debug logs in spring boot test
Date Is The Most Ignored Treasure In Macbook
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs
Mysql Operator To Extract Json
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” - Theodore Roosevelt
Master Microfrontends
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs
How To Convert One Monolith Java System To Microservices
Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
How To Config JFR Java Flight Control
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness i...
How To Read Jdk Mission Control Report
Live the life you’ve imagined.
Jdk Mission Control Can Not Start In Macbook M1
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness i...
How To Keep Multiple Copy Paste Value In Macbook
“Winning is nice if you don’t lose your integrity in the process.” — Arnold Horshak
Google マップ内の写真のコメントが表示されない
紹介 私は、私のOppo Androidスマートフォンのアプリ「Googleマップ」で奇妙な問題が発生していることに気づきました。Googleマップで特定の場所(例えば「中央公園」)を検索すると、通常、このアプリは公園の写真やコメントリストを表示するはずです。例えば、誰かが公園の芝生や川の写真を投稿し、便利な場所...
Les commentaires des photos ne s’affichent pas dans Google Maps.
Introduction J’ai remarqué un problème étrange avec l’application “Google Maps” de mon téléphone Android Oppo. Lorsque vous recherchez un lieu sur Google Map...
Is Kerberos One Ssl/tls?
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
How To Save Expect Script Run Output To File Locally
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Refind Java Concurrency
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
Refind Java Solid Principles
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
How To Extract Table Name From Sql By Python
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
How to find non-empty json value in mysql
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.
What is shape function in python pandas
An honest days’ work makes for a good night’s sleep.
What is shape function in python pandas
Imagination is the key ingredient to a happy life.
What is default logic in python try except else
Keep an eye on the fruits of your labor.
Not just use git but know how git symbolic-ref work
Superheros come in all shapes and sizes.
Fix rejection error in Hexo
The heart can see what is invisible to the eye.
Guide to code productively, get more time back for you
The heart can see what is invisible to the eye.
Is Fibonacci sequence that starts with 0 or 1
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
To increase your productivity 10 times, learn expect and read this blog
Som are born beautiful. The rest of us have to work at it.
Treasure Bowl for SQL, helpful for your daily database jobs
Don’t be greedy. Half of something is better than all nothing.
How to fix most permission issues when using Git
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
One killer page to fix most permission issues when using Git
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
How to check your CPU model and Linux distribution in your AWS VM
Lift is short, enjoy the ride.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
枝上柳棉吹又少, 天涯何处无芳草. –苏轼
Cannot find symbol class Generated or var
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
GraphQL noteworthy points
Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down.
Scripts bible for MySql
Be the Sun of your solar system.
Minium Workable Mvp Vimrc
”—————————————————————- “ 4. User interface “—————————————————————- “ Set X lines to the cursor when moving vertically set scrolloff=0
How to build unit/integration tests for Spring State Machine
Get busy living or get busy dying.
Magic after maven target spring-boot-run
Turn your wounds into wisdom
Bamboo pipeline deployment failure caused by Kubenetes Finalizer
Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.
Error in WSL in windows, command not found: sdk
Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.
Could not write JSON: Value out of range. Value: “xxxxx” Radix:10
Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated.
Gemfire Geode Error on Peer or client version with ordinal xx not supported. Highest known version is 1.12.1 Client
Take the risk or lose the chance!
Password must not null in gemfire and geode, but I’ve assigned password in yaml properties file
Worries less, smile more!
One page to cover most commonly found errors for fat jar in SpringBoot
Kill time, or kiss time!
Awesome Shortcuts to boost productivity
One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try. —Sophocles
Core Java tips required an interview
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated.
Tell me difference of truststore and keystore in short answer
Do what you say, say what you do.
GIT useful scripts or error solutions
Don’t wish for it, work for it.
Tell me difference of yarn install and npm install in short answer
Don’t find fault. Find a remedy.
Bible blog for most commonly found Gradle errors
People are smarter than you think. Give them a chance to prove themselves.
Pearls in Front end development
Be happy in front of people who don’t like you, it kills them.
Ruby from zero to hero
This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often.
Everything you’d know for Groovy interviews
Life is short. Don’t waste it with negative people who don’t appreciate you. Keep them in your heart but keep them out of your life.
To outstanding as professional MacBook pro user
The most effective way to do it, is to do it Homebrew The best practice is to run brew info before install new software. It will generally list what’s c...
Failed to install gem in Mac, incompatible architecture and missing psych
Burn your ego before it burns you.
IntelliJ Tips to boost your productivity 10 times
Don’t be afraid to make s splash.
Everything you’d know about state machine for interviews
Less expecting, more accepting.
Tips about algorithm resolving from Leetcode
Stay focused, believe that you can achieve at the highest level, surround yourself with others who believe in you and do not stray from your goals.
Solution center for Node errors
Fina a way. If there’s none, make one!
Triple your productivities by Visual studio code keyboard shortcuts
The sentence The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog uses every letter of the alphabet.
TypeScript noteworthy notes
The moment you start focusing on yourself, things start falling into place.
RXJS – reactive Programming like a hero
When love is real, it doesn’t lie, cheat, pretend or keep secrets.
Concurrency in Java
Little things make big things happens.
Linux Tips
Remember, some things have to end for better things to begin.
A taste of GraphQL
A good day starts with a good mindset!
A taste of GraphQL
A good day starts with a good mindset!
What’s inside magic in Spring Data JPA
A good day starts with a good mindset!
What’s inside magic in Spring Data JPA
A good day starts with a good mindset!
Why Spring turn a column name from camelNaming to snake_Naming
Don’t spend another year doing the same shit.
Some mistakes you’d avoid in java
With great power comes great responsibilities.
Untold stories for Jupiter, any differences JUnit 5 vs Junit 4
Don’t tell people your plans. Just show them your results!
Git commands you can show off for 100 years
Life is short, make a big splash!
FileNotFound Exception when loading data file in IntelliJ
Take time to do what makes your soul happy!
How to ace AWS certification just like play a game
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
Java Deep Notes
Java Deep Notes
Code to draw a Big H with all stars
Coding is everything! Code Now!
Code to draw a Big H with all stars
Coding is everything! Code Now!
Single vs Double precisions, float vs double data type
Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. -Abraham Lincoln.
Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. -Abraham Lincoln.
Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. -Abraham Lincoln.
Maven error and solution on No such host is known
Don’t promis when you are hapy. Don’t reply when you’re angry and don’t decide when you’re sad Service keep on restarting If you spot service is restartin...
Maven error and solution on No such host is known
Don’t promis when you are hapy. Don’t reply when you’re angry and don’t decide when you’re sad
Gradle build stuck
Gradle build stuck, keep on running but never ending
Save my eyes, let your cell phone to read screen content to you
Too much screen time
How logging system Bootstrapped in Spring Boot Application
Summary Following diagram demonstrated the process to bootstrap and use Logback for loggings in Spring Boot applciation.
SQLServer Error about This driver is not configured for integrated authentication
Symptoms When you are using integrated authentication (Kerberos connection) for MS SqlServer connection, there is one possible error :
How to copy files from resources folder in jar and save to a file
Why to extract resources from jar to local disk
Debug of SpringBoot run not working in IntelliJ
Normal approach to debug maven
How to watch specific kubenetes deployment by labels
How to watch specific kubenetes deployment by labels
Failed to talk to from corporation network
Background It’s typical to get various network connection issues when you run commands within corporation network. For example, you’ll find diversed issues w...
More developer friendly Threa Sleep
How to user fire extinguisher
Summary As you know, staff and your safety is paramount. So what if emergency take place, such as fire in office, how to help yourself and your colleagues by...
Deep dive into ApplicationEvent in SpringBoot
Summary As you know, there are various event will be sent (multicast) when a specific story taken place.
Deep dive into Kubernetes Client API
Summary To talk to K8s for getting data, there are few approaches. While K8s’ official Java library is the most widely used one. This blog will look into thi...
How to get CPU name, core, 64bit and speed in command line
Summary In windows operating system, if you want to get your CPU name, core, 64bit and speed in command line. Just follow below actions:
JetBrains/IntelliJ tips
Be a good person in real life, not in social media
Whitelabel Error Page
Summary Whitelabel Error Page is the default error page in Spring Boot web app. It provide a more user-friently error page whenever there are any issues when...
Google maps no photos reviews
If you’d like to view solution in YouTube, check out at
Shall I still need booster even after I got dose 3?
The greatest wealth is health!
Debts in a nutshell
A debt security represents a debt owed by the issuer to an investor. Here, the investor acts as a lender to the issuer which may be a government, organisatio...
How to process data from S3 download URL
S3 download URL As you know, AWS S3 object can be downloaded/processed by S3 download URL. I’m showing you two examples on how to process S3 Object by NIO f...
Debug Stuck IntelliJ
What happened to a debug job hanging in IntelliJ (IDEAS) IDE? You may find when you try to debug a class in Intellij but it stuck there and never proceed, e....
Awesome Kotlin
Difference with Scala Kotlin takes the best of Java and Scala, the response times are similar as working with Java natively, which is a considerable advantag...
Awesome tips for Chrome
Shortcuts & tips
Awesome tips and shortcuts for Slack
Shortcuts for Slack
Awesome Reactive programming
Key points of Reactive Programming
Awesome Swift for iOS
Frame in Swift
Mock in kotlin
Argument Matching & Answers For example, you have mocked DOC with call(arg: Int): Intfunction. You want to return 1 if argument is greater than 5 and -1 ...
Mock in kotlin
Argument Matching & Answers For example, you have mocked DOC with call(arg: Int): Intfunction. You want to return 1 if argument is greater than 5 and -1 ...
Dockers Concepts
How to decode path parameters in All REST WebServices calls
How to decode path parameters in All REST WebServices calls
Linux Curl command
The concept of join points as matched by pointcut expressions is central to AOP, and Spring uses the AspectJ pointcut expression language by default.
Micrometer notes
As a general rule it should be possible to use the name as a pivot. Dimensions allow a particular named metric to be sliced to drill down and reason about th...
Pigeons in holes principle
# Pigeonhole principle
Awesome solutions for algorithm questions
你就会发现只要涉及递归的问题,都是 树的问题。
A Facial Recognition utility in a dozen of LOC
A Facial Recognition utility in a dozen of python LOC (Lines Of Code)
Awesome SSL certificates and HTTPS
What’s TLS TLS (Transport Layer Security) and its predecessor, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), are security protocols designed to secure the communication betwee...
JVM warm up by Escape Analysis
Why JVM need warm up I don’t know how and why you get to this blog. But I know the key words in your mind are “warm” for JVM. As the name “warm up” suggested...
Java Concurrent Column 2
This is the second half about Java Concurrent of my blog
Java Concurrent
This blog is about noteworthy pivot points about Java Concurrent Framework Back to Java old days there were wait()/notify() which is error prone, while fr...
Algorithm notes from Leecode – 1
Algorithm Leetcode
Conversations with God
Feelings is the language of the soul. If you want to know what’s true for you about something, look to how your’re feeling about.
Kafka In Spring
Enable Kafka listener annotated endpoints that are created under the covers by a AbstractListenerContainerFactory. To be used on Configuration classes as fol...
Why Terraform
FX Spot is not covered by the regulation, as it is not considered to be a financial instrument by ESMA, the European Union (EU) regulator. As FX is considere...
Foreign Exchange
currency pairs Direct ccy: means USD is part of currency pair Cross ccy: means ccy wihtout USD, so except NDF, the deal will be split to legs, both with...
nano seconds
Citrix receiver
Simple Binary Encoding (SBE)
Citrix receiver
“Cannot connect to remote desktop” with Citrix Receiver
A new type of Juice Put simply, Guice alleviates the need for factories and the use of new in your Java code. Think of Guice’s @Inject as the new new. You wi...
Key points All YAML files (regardless of their association with Ansible or not) can optionally begin with — and end with …. This is part of the YAML format a...
What are protocol buffers?
Sudo in a Nutshell
Sudo in a Nutshell Sudo (su “do”) allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root...
ZK Motto the motto “ZooKeeper: Because Coordinating Distributed Systems is a Zoo.”
Presto DB
Acceptance testing vs unit test It’s sometimes said that unit tests ensure you build the thing right, whereas acceptance tests ensure you build the right thi...
Scala String
akka framework of scala
philosophy The actor model adopts the philosophy that everything is an actor. This is similar to the everything is an object philosophy used by some object-o...
File Util in Apache Camel
Apache Camel
Camel’s message model In Camel, there are two abstractions for modeling messages, both of which we’ll cover in this section. org.apache.camel.Message—The ...
Exporting your beans to JMX The core class in Spring’s JMX framework is the MBeanExporter. This class is responsible for taking your Spring beans and registe...
Solace MQ
Solace PubSub+ It is a message broker that lets you establish event-driven interactions between applications and microservices across hybrid cloud environmen...
App deployment, configuration management and orchestration - all from one system. Ansible is powerful IT automation that you can learn quickly.
Ansible: What Is It Good For? Ansible is often described as a configuration management tool, and is typically mentioned in the same breath as Chef, Puppet, a...
How Flexbox works — explained with big, colorful, animated gifs
Jboss tips
Locking and multithreading
Single Writer principle
KDB However kdb+ evaluates expressions right-to-left. There are no precedence rules. The reason commonly given for this behaviour is that it is a much simple...
Foreign Exchange
Foreign Exchange markets
Better to use smart wait
Agile and SCRUM
Key concept In Scrum, a team is cross functional, meaning everyone is needed to take a feature from idea to implementation.
:100:DevOps Model Defined
rxjs pipe in depth
How to setup nodejs to install package from intranet
Error of ‘ECONNRESET’ You may face error ECONNRESET from intranet, even appropriate proxy tools (e.g. cntlm) is running. The errors may looks like ```bash $ ...
Release & Testing Strategy There are various methods for safely releasing changes to Production. Each team must select what is appropriate for their own ...
NodeJs Notes
commands to read files var lineReader = require(‘readline’).createInterface({ input: require(‘fs’).createReadStream(‘C:\dev\node\input\git_reset_files.tx...
Minium Viable Product
What is difference between declarations, providers and import in NgModule
What is difference between declarations, providers and import in NgModule
CORS :Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Cross-Origin Request Sharing - CORS (A.K.A. Cross-Domain AJAX request) is an issue that most web developers might encounter, according to Same-Origin-Policy,...
Why @Effects? In a simple ngrx/store project without ngrx/effects there is really no good place to put your async calls. Suppose a user clicks on a button or...
iOS programming
View A view is also a responder (UIView is a subclass of UIResponder). This means that a view is subject to user interactions, such as taps and swipes. Thus,...
cloud computering
openshift vs openstack The shoft and direct answer is `OpenShift Origin can run on top of OpenStack. They are complementary projects that work well together....
cloud computering
Concepts Cloud computing is the on-demand demand delivery of compute database storage applications and other IT resources through a cloud services platform v...
whats @Effects You can almost think of your Effects as special kinds of reducer functions that are meant to be a place for you to put your async calls in suc...
reactive programing
The second advantage to a lazy subscription is that the observable doesn’t hold onto data by default. In the previous example, each event generated by the in...
common errors in NPM or node
code E503 code E503 when run npm install packages, e.g.
The Docker project was responsible for popularizing container development in Linux systems. The original project defined a command and service (both named do...
promise vs observiable
The drawback of using Promises is that they’re unable to handle data sources that produce more than one value, like mouse movements or sequences of bytes in ...
Openshift tips
Commands bible
google analysis
How Page Value is calculated
JDK source
interface RandomAccess Marker interface used by List implementations to indicate that they support fast (generally constant time) random access. The primary ...
Secure FTP SFTP over FTP is the equivalant of HTTPS over HTTP, the security version
Setup WebSphere profiles and application in command line
Setup WebSphere profiles and application in command line
AWS Tips
After establishing a SSH session, you can install a default web server by executing sudo yum install httpd -y. To start the web server, type sudo service htt...
ORA-12899: Value Too Large for Column
Spring notes
Spring Bean Life Cycle Callback Methods
Kindle notes
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Java JIT compiler
This is talking about Java JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler
Java Security Notes
Java Security well-behaved: programs should be prevent from consuming too much system resources
Noteworthy points about SeriableVersionUID in Java
R Language
s<-read.csv("C:/Users/xxx/dev/R/IRS/SHH_SCHISHG.csv") # aggregate s2<-table(s$Original.CP) s3< # extract by Frequency ordered s3...
SSH and Cryptography
SFTP versus FTPS SS: Secure Shell An increasing number of our customers are looking to move away from standard FTP for transferring data, so we are ofte...
Eclipse notes
How do I remove a plug-in? Run Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details, select the software you no longer want and click Uninstall. (On Macintosh i...
Java JVM
Class loading subsystem
Maven philosophy “It is important to note that in the pom.xml file you specify the what and not the how. The pom.xml file can also serve as a documentatio...
Java New IO
Notes JDK 1.0 introduced rudimentary I/O facilities for accessing the file system (to create a directory, remove a file, or perform another task), accessi...
Network Protocols
Net Protocols
SOA SOA is a set of design principles for building a suite of interoperable, flexible and reusable services based architecture. top-down and bottom-up a...
This page is about key points about Algorithm
Dead Lock
What is the difference between Serializable and Externalizable in Java? In earlier version of Java, reflection was very slow, and so serializaing large ob...
NavigableMap Misc
What is NavigableMap
Concepts If you implement Comparable interface and override compareTo() method it must be consistent with equals() method i.e. for equal object by equals(...
Java Collections Misc
Difference between equals and deepEquals of Arrays in Java Arrays.equals() method does not compare recursively if an array contains another array on oth...
HashMap in JDK
Hashmap in JDK Some note worth points about hashmap Lookup process Step# 1: Quickly determine the bucket number in which this element may resid...
Java 8 Tips
This blog is listing key new features introduced in Java 8
Arbitrage vs Heading
What is the difference between arbitrage and hedging?
Java Enum Misc
Enum Misc
Java GC notes
verbose:gc verbose:gc prints right after each gc collection and prints details about each generation memory details. Here is blog on how to read verbose gc
Hash Code Misc
contract of hashCode : Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consis...
Apache Tips
Angulary Misc
Dependency Injection Angular doesn’t automatically know how you want to create instances of your services or the injector to create your service. You must co...
Random number in java
ThreadLocalRandom, SecureRandm, java.util.Random, java.math.Random
Java new features
JDK Versions JDK 1.5 in 2005 JDK 1.6 in 2006 JDK 1.7 in 2011 JDK 1.8 in 2014 Sun之前风光无限,但是在2010年1月27号被Oracle收购。 在被Oracle收购后对外承诺要回到每2年一个realse的节奏。但是20...
Eslastic Search
Eslastic Search
JSON lines
JSON lines
Python Scraphy
Python Scraphy
Simpler chronicle of CI(Continuous Integration) “乱弹系列”之持续集成工具
引言 有句话说有人的地方就有江湖,同样,有江湖的地方就有恩怨。在软件行业历史长河(虽然相对于其他行业来说,软件行业的历史实在太短了,但是确是充满了智慧的碰撞也是十分的精彩)中有一些恩怨情愁,分分合合的小故事,比如类似的有,从一套代码发展出来后面由于合同到期就分道扬镳,然后各自发展成独门产品的Sybase DB和微...
Head First Blockchina 3
Hyperledger Fabric for Mortals
使用Solidity创建以太坊(Ethereum)智能合约(Smart Contract)
How to customize Sublime syntax highlights
Reference Sublime Scope Naming Syntax Guide
浅谈软件单元测试中的“断言” (assert),从石器时代进步到黄金时代。
Head First Blockchina 1
深入浅出区块链系统:第一章. what you should know about blockchain
Kubernetes 与 Docker Swarm的对比
Kubernetes 和Docker Swarm 可能是使用最广泛的工具,用于在集群环境中部署容器。但是这两个工具还是有很大的差别。
http methods
RFC origion
The stark difference among Spark and Storm. Although both are claimed to process the streaming data in real time. But Spark processes it as micro-batches; wh...
unmodifiableList, unmodifiableSet,unmodifiableMap
What’s it Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified set. This method allows modules to provide users with “read-only” access to internal sets. Query ope...
kibana, view layer of elasticsearch
What’s Kibana kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on...
kibana, view layer of elasticsearch
What’s Kibana kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on...
Anatomy of ThreadLocal
Design philosophies
UI HTML5, AngularJS, BootStrap, REST API, JSON Backend Hadoop core (HDFS), Hive, HBase, MapReduce, Oozie, Pig, Solr
Business Analysis
Purpose of BA 带来一些商业价值(收益) 解决业务痛点
Something about RESTful architect
REST API must be hypertext driver Roy’s interview
Data Structure
Binary Tree A binary tree is a tree in which no node can have more than two children. A property of a binary tree that is sometimes important is that th...
Useful bookmarks
eBooks list of various books Node.js
heavy load web application
Common solutions
tips in as400 IBM Emulator
Toggle crosshair
Mysql operator to extract JSON
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi
equity trading
Difference between mutal funds and hedge funds
Differences between not in, not exists , and left join with null
Github page commands notes
404 error for customized domain (such as godday) 404 There is not a GitHub Pages site here. Go to github master branch for gitpages site, manually add CN...
RenMinBi International
RQFII RQFII stands for Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor. RQFII was introduced in 2011 to allow qualified foreign institutional investors to ...
JavaScript tips
includes() vs some()
Docker Errors and Fixes
Docker Errors
Load Balancing
Concepts LVS means Linux Virtual Server, which is one Linux built-in component.
(‘—–Unexpected error:’, <type ‘exceptions.TypeError’>)
Storage Management
RAID RAID is Reductant Array Independent Disk,
CI and CD
XA Transactions in 2PC
Setup Git in Mint Linux
How to setup Git in Mint Linux =================================================
Database sharding
DB sharding in YHD
Microservices vs. SOA
Microservice Services are organized around capabilities, e.g., user interface front-end, recommendation, logistics, billing, etc. Services are small in ...
Java Class Loader
Codecache The maximum size of the code cache is set via the -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=N flag (where N is the default just mentioned for the particular com...